Meter Data Analyst - Energy Hippo's Sophisticated Energy Analysis Software
Meter Data Analyst enables near real time, highly accurate analysis of energy information.
Reducing energy costs and consumption has always been a challenge for even the most experienced energy management teams. Today, new challenges driven by environmental concerns are tasking businesses with new priorities such as monitoring greenhouse gas emissions and reducing carbon footprints. Now, more than ever, large energy users need easy-to-use, yet powerful analytical and reporting tools that support their enterprise, but also provide the ability to drill down into specific site related energy information to build effective energy intelligence.
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Features & Capabilities of Energy Hippo's Energy Analysis Software
Monitor real time performance with dashboards and reports
Benchmark facilities within your organization or against external organizations via integration with the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager
Spot trends and abnormalities to quickly identify cost cutting opportunities
Identify cause and effect relationships for energy planning purposes
Aggregate loads for all facilities in a region
Generate historic load profiles to support competitive power purchasing
Manage demand to mitigate exposure to price volatility or system reliability risks
Systematically verify accuracy of utility bills through automated comparison of calculated bills to actual bills (with Bill Analyst)
Report on greenhouse gas emissions levels by any organizational hierarchy and across any time period
Schedule, print, and export reports to Microsoft Excel or PDF
Supports multiple protocols: Flat file, Modbus, BACnet, OPC, ODBC, XML, RSS, Acquisuite, Itron Sentinel meters, MVRS, Itron Fixed Network