Case Study: Pennsylvania State University


  • 44,000 employees

  • EEM system for data collection, data warehousing, campus billing, facility management, and energy procurement.

  • Integration with controls and other building systems

  • Replaced and migration of legacy Energy Management System


Energy Hippo installed the full EEMS software and dashboards, replacing the existing system with EEM Suite.


Interval data is collected by Johnson Controls and then automatically collected by EEM Suite. Billing Data is entered into the system using the Bill Entry Screen. Meter readings are read with handheld devices and automatically pulled into EEM Suite.  Penn State is currently using the system to do demand management, utility billing, building billing, and tenant rebilling. They are also exporting AP files to their existing billing system. A big benefit to Penn State has been the ability to manage their entire campus and capture strategic as well as operational activities due to the integration of the total campus, including integration with Johnson Controls building controls. 
The additional energy management work included a sophisticated re-billing system that incorporates local tariffs, manual meter reads, actual utility bills, real-time interval data, interval data aggregation, support for non-metered spaces, and a time-history of percentage based allocation rules.   EEM Suite is also designed to support custom features and many custom reports and custom work flow requirements are integrated into the user interface.