Sacramento County EEM Case Study 


  • 11,000 employees
  • Electric expense of about $25 million
  • Utility billing and interval meter data solution
  • Successful Demand Response Pilot
  • Replaced the previous Energy Management system


Energy Hippo provides a system to process utility bills and allocate utility costs to departments and tenants using multiple allocation rules. Data is exported to financial systems for payment. The system automatically downloads bills from the utility and automatically imports them into the system. The system integrates with multiple building control systems and Green Button for real-time interval data import.


Sacramento County is an example of one of our early customers, where EEM was used to process utility bills and then use the data to allocate costs across County departments. Once the billing process was well established, we added integration with Johnson Controls and other control systems to bring in interval data and add additional value to the energy management software system. 

In 2012, we added a Demand Response feature to County of Sacramento’s EEM Suite product. It receives ADR signals from the utility provider (SMUD) and after processing sends a signal to the County’s JCI, Siemens and Allerton systems and displays an event status on its dashboard. 

In 2018, we added increased automation with a Green Button data feed and integration with ENERGYai for advanced baselines. EEM reports and automated alerts provide visibility into building performance issues and ongoing improvements.

“Using EEM Suite for the past 10 years has reduced our utility bill payment time by over 75%. Additionally, the many bill validation checks help us stay in budget and even help us lower future budget projections by spotting unusual high usages and costs. We continue to look for new ways that EEM Suite and Energy Hippo can help us reduce our utility costs and better manage our utilities.” – Dan Mendonsa, Energy Program Manager