Campus Billing and Energy Management Systems

Managing the data collection, processing, and reporting for campus billing is often a manual and expensive process.  The campus utilities environment is invariably complex, often with a mix of district energy, purchased power, renewables, and other utilities.  Campus metering may be a mixture of real-time interval meters, manually read monthly meters, and calculated meters.  Tenant calculations may be based on square footage, facility use types, or historical usage patterns.  Users of this data may include facilities, accounting and finance, administration, and other end user customers.  Often campus rebilling requires redundant manual processes, disparate systems and spreadsheets, and significant time to generate monthly bills.  Many organizations are saving time and money by integrating and automating their existing campus billing process with applications built for campus billing.  These products help to standardize and automate data collection, bill generation, bill allocation, data export, and energy management reporting.  Learn the best practices around data collection and data management for campus billing and how software products can make the process faster, easier, and more reliable.

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